"Our greatest fear should not be failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter." -Francis Chan

Friday, June 20, 2014

Year 21

I really have so much to be thankful for when I reflect on this past year. This year started off with my one and only brother's marriage in September. The wedding was gorgeous and over this past year I have been blessed to get to know my wonderful sister-in-law better.

In December I graduated from nursing school. There is certainly a sigh of relief in graduating, but the anxiety quickly picked back up when it was time to put out applications and to take my boards. I passed my boards and was offered a job the next week from Chambersburg hospital which was my top choice for a job. I had done an internship there so I felt way more comfortable there. The job market in this area for nurses is not good at all so I felt incredibly blessed for the opportunity.
My Bible study group, family, friends, and mentor had been praying for me and my job decisions and our prayers were answered. Soon after I was hired my parents threw out the idea of going to Brazil with my aunt and uncle's church in May. I was not very confident that it would work out but once again, I asked people to pray and I began praying....and as you may know from the previous 10 posts...I went to BRAZIL! It was absolutely wonderful and I cannot wait to go on more service trips like that.

I also started my bachelor's degree at Towson University which has been quite the transition but I am happy to get it over with. I don't enjoy all of the classes but it is something that I need to do.
One of the more negative events this year was the passing of my dog, Sadie. We got Sadie as a puppy when I was in 5th grade so she was with me through middle school, high school, and college. She was an absolutely lover and I really did love her. One afternoon we noticed that she was running into things and struggling to get up on her right side. She was also very anxious and shaking. That day and night was incredible difficult as we realized that she had a stroke. I stayed awake all night crying and hated seeing my precious dog suffer. So we had to put her to sleep. We tried to get use to not having her around, but I never really felt like I was okay with her gone.
We went to Brazil and then when we got back we were introduced to India Grace (aka Gracie). She was pulled out of a kill shelter in West Virginia. She is not Sadie, but she is an absolutely lover and she is such a joy! She has definitely been an incredible companion and comfort to me already. She almost seems to know that she was saved. Her adoption was my parent's gift to me for my 22nd birthday.

Going into my 22nd year of life I am to see what is ahead. I already have 2 nursing missions trip that I am praying for clarity and wisdom for. I am also hoping to grow in my faith by discovering true rest through Christ and to work on daily living for Christ as I after being challenged by David Platt's secret church on Good Friday. Since becoming a Gospel for Asia volunteer, I am praying for this year and that I can spread awareness of how God is using this organization to spread His love and help the needy of the world.
I am excited for what God has in store for me and I pray that He uses me to glorify Himself.

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