"Our greatest fear should not be failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter." -Francis Chan

Monday, August 17, 2015

Day 3: Nueva Generacion Monday

Monday August 3rd we went to Nueve Generacion in San Antonia Aguas Calientes. Soria was a 20-something year old woman who is passionate about Jesus. She works for her community to encourage education for all children. The organization that she works for is technically isn't a Christian organization but she is making a huge impact on her community for Christ by building relationships. At Nueve Generacion they also do micro-businesses for women such as weaving and gardening. They also teach the women how to cook healthy foods. We had the opportunity to buy goods from the lady's weaving.

Mom making friends.
When we arrived we did medical checks and applied fluoride to the kid's teeth. The kids would receive a note card with a number on it. They got a picture with the number on the note card for Kelly's records and then we filled in their information onto the card. (Sorry I don't have many action pictures, I was busy working with Elaine for the most part.

Becky got kidss names and
if they had any medical needs
2 of the Fluoride ladies
Alexis measured head sizes.
Notice the little girls' traditional outfits for their culture on the right. So cute!

Meg did fluoride.

Abel showed the kids how to brush their teeth with my Aunt and Uncle's horse puppet. That puppet has been all over the world with my aunt and uncle on missions trips to teach kids dental hygiene.

"No traga" ..."Do not spit"
this little cutie had fluoride on his teeth.
Once he was finished his fluoride. We learned that
instead of saying "cheese" they say "whiskey" to make kids smile.

The ladies who learn healthy cooking served us lunch. They were so excited to share their culture with us. It took them all morning and afternoon to prepare our traditional meal. Soria shared her testimony while we waited and she is absolutely inspirational.

The ladies were still working on our lunch. They have such servant hearts!

During the break between medical groups I watched this lady weave. Her art is beautiful!

Kelly's kids raised money to buy the kids paint supplies :)
 We had a second group of kids come through in the afternoon after lunch.

More fluoride
Wendy met a little girl named Wendy (white shirt).

 After the 2nd group of medical checks we had the opportunity to experience the local culture of that particular community. My favorite part was that you could see the women and children beaming with pride and joy as they shared their traditions.
A group of boys played 2 of these.
The Marimba is the national instrument. The concert was beautiful!

The ladies taught us how to make tortillas and grind roasted coffee.
This little boy played the drum and turtle shell (on the chair).

As part of us learning about their tradition, they dressed Morgan up in traditional wedding garb and they walked her through a marriage ceremony. We were having so much fun! It was hilarious!

Soria, our host.

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